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All the secrets to please the YouTube algorithm

What is the YouTube algorithm? It’s the brain that runs the social platform. Based on many factors, this system selects the videos that will appear in recommendations, the news feed, search results, etc. As a creator, you probably want to know how to please this algorithm? Let’s see together the secrets that YouTube recently revealed from the YouTube account Liaison sur X…

Viewers’ behavior

To begin with, the YouTube algorithm pays special attention to the audience to assess the success of a video. It analyzes user behavior, in particular: Training Creation and development of a training activity

The content they like;

Their viewing time;

Their interactions.

It therefore favors YouTube channels that offer videos that attract and retain their audience on the platform.

Our advice: when creating content, take inspiration from the videos that have captivated the most viewers on your channel.

The video category

Do you often wonder about the importance of a video’s category? You’re right! According to YouTube Liaison, this factor helps the platform understand the content of the video. Although it is not very important for the algorithm, it is still useful to facilitate the exploration and categorization of content.


At one time, tags were a key factor for SEO on YouTube, but not anymore! But even though they have become secondary, YouTube Liaison recommends using them by mentioning misspelled versions of the theme or name of the channel in question.


Here too, the YouTube algorithm does not take hashtags into account! However, this element is essential for targeting specific searches or capturing an additional audience. So, focus on the title and description instead of tags and hashtags.

Using keywords in the description

Be careful, even if keywords are important to optimize SEO on YouTube, absolutely avoid keyword stuffing in the description, one of the Black Hat SEO practices to avoid! Instead, think about writing a clear description, which really reflects what is being talked about in the video.

This will allow YouTube to offer the video to a more targeted audience. Thanks to a well-written description, the algorithm can thus provide more relevant recommendations to users.

Frequency of publication

Posting videos regularly is one of the tips that YouTube also repeats often. It is indeed a good strategy to establish a meeting with your audience. And by retaining your viewers, interactions multiply: likes, comments and shares.

Result: you manage to indirectly influence the algorithm. In addition, publishing videos regularly helps you better understand your audience’s expectations, which allow you to continuously improve your content.

The name of the video file

Some creators think that the YouTube algorithm takes into account the name of the video file. But YouTube Liaison has clearly indicated that this is false! The name of the video file has no impact on SEO on the platform. Consider optimizing the public title of the video to immediately give an idea of ​​its content and capture the attention of viewers.

The format of the video

Whether short, long, or live, videos typically appeal to different types of audiences. Plus, the algorithm analyzes and recommends each format independently. So, it makes more sense to assign a specific format to a channel to better retain users who are interested in your different types of short videos.

Sponsored Content

The algorithm doesn’t really take into account whether or not there is sponsored content in a video. However, it can impact the performance of the video.

When viewing advertising content, users actually tend to quickly leave one channel in favor of another … And when the average viewing time of a video is reduced, its ranking in recommendations also drops.

Video Performance

Why do some videos take longer to gain visibility? This is due to the gap between the initial target audience and the broader audience. Niche videos are able to gradually attract a specific audience, but they won’t generate significant engagement quickly.

It takes time for them to become popular. It depends on the interactions and sharing between Internet users. And the algorithm adapts to it!

The retention rate of videos embedded on external sites

Last point: the YouTube algorithm does not consider the retention rate of videos embedded on external sites, i.e. external traffic. It relies on recommendations and search results to decide which video to offer to each user.

By applying these tips, you will maximize your chances of being visible on YouTube and, perhaps, reaching millions of views, earning money with your YouTube videos , and realizing your dream of becoming an influencer on this platform. Remember that every interaction counts. Encourage your viewers to subscribe, share, and comment to boost your presence on this essential platform.

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