
Digital Marketing

Complete guide to digital marketing tools

Investing in your brand’s online presence is no longer a differentiator; it is now a necessity for any business. We are increasingly seeing the internet taking center stage in commerce and entrepreneurship, and in this context, knowing how to use the right digital marketing tools to sell becomes essential!

The fact is that companies are gradually becoming aware of this reality and are increasing their investment in marketing in practice. 

And in this process, it is not enough to just pour money into any and every tool. First of all, it is necessary to have a solid strategy focused on the objectives and characteristics of your business and target audience.

Then, yes, it will be possible to define which channels you should prioritize (such as social networks, email, or blog content ) and which resources you should use to achieve the best results.

Do you want to know which are the main digital marketing tools that will most likely be key to the success of your strategy?

We have therefore prepared this complete guide so that you can learn in detail about each of them and the main advantages of their implementation.

Why invest in digital marketing tools?

But, before anything else, why rely on good digital marketing tools? First of all, it is important to highlight that technological innovation has given rise to new resources that automate processes and use data intelligence to benefit companies and customers.

These data and metrics, in addition to providing details about the performance of your digital strategy, also help your business better understand your brand’s persona and the stage of the customer’s purchasing journey. And the result? More personalized interactions focused on the needs of each customer!

And the automation doesn’t stop there! New digital marketing tools allow you to send mass posts or messages to a segmented part of your audience, making the entire process faster, simpler, and more efficient.

The fact is that in times of digital transformation, being fast, efficient, and knowing your audience well is a matter of survival to avoid being left behind by your main competitors. 

We are increasingly seeing how important it is to invest in these types of tools to ensure maximum performance and, most importantly, that your brand is well publicized, perceived, and retained by your customers.

What are the main digital marketing tools?

Let’s now talk about the main digital marketing tools available. Instead of mentioning brands or platforms, we’ll talk specifically about the usefulness of each type of tool and its main benefits!

Email marketing 

Anyone who thinks that email is a forgotten and ineffective resource in a digital marketing strategy is mistaken. Quite the opposite: this internet veteran is an excellent tool for generating leads, more personalized communication, and building loyalty with your brand’s persona.

After all, there are over 4 billion registered email accounts in the world today, according to Hubspot. You can’t underestimate that amount of people, can you?

Furthermore, email marketing reaches 100% of your contact base, in addition to bringing with it the credibility of communication that was consented to by the public itself.

, according to the ethical principles of email marketing, a prospect only becomes a lead and is part of a brand’s contact list through their consent, whether by filling out a form, subscribing to a newsletter, or accepting to receive messages after purchasing or registering.

And what is behind an email marketing tool? In short, they can be used to:

  • manage and update the lead and customer registration database;
  • segment your target audience;
  • send personalized messages in bulk and at speed;
  • creation of exclusive artwork and templates compatible with email communication.

The coolest thing is that, nowadays, these tools have data integration with social networks, Google, and other channels, which allows for a more efficient and coordinated digital marketing strategy, in which each channel communicates with the other.

Learn more about the world of email marketing through this incredible video from the GoDaddy YouTube channel:

Social Media

We can’t forget about the internet’s favorites when we talk about digital marketing tools, can we? Social networks play a predominant role in a good online strategy and deserve a platform capable of handling all demands.

A good social media tool offers:

  • tracking the success of posts and publications;
  • panel for boosting ads through the tool itself;
  • segmentation of content for customers;
  • scheduling publications, etc.

With these resources at your disposal, your brand will be able to use all the benefits of the most popular social networks to its advantage, such as a more direct and spontaneous dialogue with your audience and the possibility of promoting diverse actions and content that strengthens your business’ brand awareness. 

Social media may seem simple at first glance, but it is quite complex and a tool capable of bringing together all these resources in one place makes planning and managing this channel much easier.

SEO for search engines

Google is the main source of research and the most used search engine on the internet. Given this, knowing what the main trends are and how to give visibility to your brand’s content is essential for you to increase your reach and have more authority online.

With this in mind, there is a set of requirements that can help you reach the first pages of Google and make your brand better known: Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

It represents a series of content optimization resources for blogs, and landing pages, among other pages, to increase your business’s organic traffic.

In this sense, some tools such as Google Trends, Search Console, and Google Analytics can help you map which keywords are most searched for by your target audience and measure various engagement metrics for your pages through the most popular search tool on the internet.

Where to find the best tools for digital marketing? 

Have you ever thought about a tool that brings together everything you need to boost your brand across multiple channels? The Digital Marketing Package can list all the most important features in a single panel.

In addition to having an integrated tool for creating websites and publications, GoDaddy’s solution also offers complete resources for email marketing, social media, SEO optimization, and much more.

It’s like you have all the main digital marketing tools in one place. 

In addition, you can count on a complete planner capable of recording and notifying you about over 200 future events so that you don’t get lost in the diversity of channels, campaigns, and projects that are being carried out simultaneously.

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